Breast Reduction

Breast Reduction
What is the goal?:

The goal of breast reduction is to surgically decrease the size and weight of the breasts and make breasts look and feel Proportionate to one's body. whether it is to help with the discomfort of heaviness or to help with a patient's desired aesthetic appearance.

Who is a good candidate?:

Good candidates for breast reduction are generally healthy and seek to reduce the size of their breasts due to several problems, including back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, shoulder grooving, rashes underneath the breasts, difficulty finding bras that fit, and skin breakdown. The ideal candidate will be up-to-date on her mammograms with no suspicious lesions.

How is the procedure performed?:

A breast reduction takes around 3H to perform under general anesthesia. Dr. Kalaria is extensively trained in breast reduction and uses her own technique to provide good cleavage and volume without an implant. The incisions for a breast reduction are typically around the areola, vertically under the breast, and horizontally in the breast fold, giving the classic anchor-shaped incision. Variations of this full breast reduction may be done if a more minor reduction is desired. A breast reduction includes a reduction in the size of the breasts, a breast lift, and an areola reduction. Also, the breast tissue is sent for pathological evaluation after the surgery. Dr. Kalaria uses only absorbable sutures for this procedure, so you will not require the painful removal of sutures during your follow-up visits. Her incisions are meticulously closed, and no drains are used. You will be sent home after surgery to recover.

What is the recovery time?:

You can expect 2 weeks of recovery time, where you should refrain from chest exercises and activities that put pressure on your chest/breasts. You should refrain from driving for 1-2 weeks after surgery and physical exercise for 4-6 weeks after surgery. You should wear a soft bra for 3 months and avoid underwire bras for 3 months.