
What is the goal?:

The goal of a facelift/necklift is to provide a more youthful appearance to the face/neck and to surgically remove sagging skin and reposition fat and muscle on the face and neck area.

Who is a good candidate?:

Good candidates for a facelift or necklift are non-smokers who are in good health and have sagging or loose skin of the lower face, jowls, or neck.

How is the procedure performed?:

A facelift is performed in the operating room under general anesthesia and can be combined with a neck lift. It usually takes 4-6 hours to accomplish. Dr. Kalaria uses a variety of techniques tailored to each individual patient to achieve the best result.

What is the recovery time?:

You can expect 1-2 weeks of bruising and swelling. You will likely have a drain which will be removed the day after surgery. Stitches will be removed in one week. You can use arnica and ice to minimize swelling. You can wear makeup in 1 week to cover the incisions. By 6 weeks your incisions will start to fade and return to normal color. You can expect full results in 6 months to 1 year.